Showing 25–31 of 31 results

  • Premium Vanilla, 500ml


    Crafted with the finest fragrant vanilla, the premium Vanilla ice cream is an epitome of purity taste of rich decadent ice cream.

  • Strawberry Cheesecake, 500ml


    It’s not cheeesy to own up to your adoration for this cheesecake flavour ice vream with luscious cream cheese pieces of swirls of strawberry sauce.

  • Tiramisu, 125ml


    With a lot of history behind the fabled Italian dessert, the London Dairy Tiramisu ice cream brings a welcoming difference to the table with a whole lot of flavoursome experience to follow. An exquisite combination of creamy textured ice cream with thin slices of bittersweet brownie cake and ripples of rich chocolate sauce, this flavour…

  • Tiramisu, 500ml


    With a lot of history behind the fabled Italian dessert, the London Dairy Tiramisu ice cream brings a welcoming difference to the table with a whole lot of flavoursome experience to follow. An exquisite combination of creamy textured ice cream with thin slices of bittersweet brownie cake and ripples of rich chocolate sauce, this flavour…

  • Vanilla Lite, 125ml


    Crafted with the finest, most fragrant vanilla, this premium, decadent Vanilla ice cream is an epitome of purity and rich taste.

  • Vanilla Lite, 500ml


    Crafted with the finest, most fragrant vanilla, this premium, decadent Vanilla ice cream is an epitome of purity and rich taste.

  • Yoghurt Berry Delight – Diet, 500ml


    A berrylicious combination of handpicked Strawberries and Blueberries coupled with the goodness of yoghurt in delicious ice cream, which makes the Yoghurt Berry Delight a special treat. It also contains 50% less fat to give you a truly guilt free indulgence masterpiece.

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